

3 tips for making optimal use of Products4Engineers

Did you know that thousands of technical professionals search for products on Products4Engineers every month? From simple handheld tools to advanced automation software, and from transport solutions to hydraulic drives, P4E is the place where technical professionals go to find all the product-related information they need.

But with 1,500 technical suppliers listed on P4E, how can you ensure that those thousands of technical professionals find you? Product suppliers frequently contact us to find out more about the online platform and how they can use it for maximum benefit. This blog answers the three most commonly asked questions:

Which information should I include about my products??
I have a large and varied product range, how do I show this on P4E?
Which possiblities does P4E offer for me as a supplier?

Database Marketing
Product Marketing
3 tips for making optimal use of Products4Engineers

5 functional tips to promote your products

Finally! You finished developing your product and are very proud of it. But now comes the next step: how to put your product on the market in the most optimal way? In this article you will find 5 practical tips to promote your product as well as possible.

- Use footage
- Give examples
- Focus on your customer
- Write enthusiastically and understandably
- Show the unique side of your product

Product Marketing
5 functional tips to promote your products

Developing a content marketing strategy in a niche market

According to the B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks for 2017, 61% of companies that are good at content marketing have a documented content marketing strategy. For companies that are less successful with content marketing, this percentage is only 13%. The same report states that 72% of successful organisations indicate that their strategy plays an important role in their success. In short, it is time to determine your content marketing strategy! If you have read our previous article (and make sure you do), you know that customers don’t care about you, your products or your services; they only really care about themselves and their own needs. Within your niche market, whether it is geomatics, hydrography or engineering, you have the knowledge to provide them with relevant and valuable content that they actually want to consume!

Content Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Developing a content marketing strategy in a niche market

What is content marketing and why should you start using it?

At Geomares, we have many years of experience in making trade magazines, websites, newsletters and many other forms of content. ‘Content’ is a word that has been cropping up everywhere over the last few years and is also associated with all sorts of information formats. But what is content exactly? And, perhaps even more importantly, why and how should you use it in your marketing strategy?

Content Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Content Creation
What is content marketing and why should you start using it?

How to determine the success of your marketing campaigns?

When setting up and executing marketing campaigns, you want them to be as good as possible. And when it is finished, you want to determine whether it has been a success. If it’s not, you want to know what could have been the problem and what can be improved for next time. Predetermining concrete marketing objectives can help you enormously with this. It provides guidance and forces you to think carefully about the message, the target group and the required impact.

Marketing Strategy
How to determine the success of your marketing campaigns?